How can I recover my data?

Connect with your FTP client to the backup FTP host. The login credentials can be found in your easyname control panel under [Web Hosting] [Backup Access]

Then you can choose between Backups sorted by date. The folders are each named with the date and time. The time is given in UTC.

For example:



Now you will find an entire copy of your Webspace created at the time described above, depending on which folder you have chosen.

In the folder you can now navigate to the desired files or Subdirectory and download everything with your FTP client.

In the directory /db_dumps/ you will find all database backups that are provided in the form of SQL dumps (for example, u11111db1.sql.gz). You can also download these to your computer with your FTP client if needed.

Once you've downloaded all the data you need, you can upload it to your webspace as usual.

The database dumps can be imported via phpMyAdmin.

For further instructions on how to import the Database click here .

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